Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act

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  1. Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act 2013
  2. Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act Applies
  3. Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act Summary
  4. Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act Prohibits

Sep 09, 2020 Mobile devices can act as a secondary means of protection for your online accounts via 2FA, but these endpoints can also be the weak link that completely breaks down your privacy and security.

Personal information includes a broad range of information, or an opinion, that could identify an individual. What is personal information will vary, depending on whether a person can be identified or is reasonably identifiable in the circumstances. 5) Realize you may be monitored at work, avoid sending highly personal e-mail to mailing lists, and keep sensitive files on your home computer. In most US states and many if not most countries, employees have little if any privacy protection from monitoring by employers. When discussing sensitive matters in e-mail or other online media, be certain. In January 2020, Bobby Rush and Tim Walberg introduced a similar house bill known as the Preventing Real Online Threats Endangering Children Today (PROTECT Kids) Act, which would extend all existing COPPA consent requirements to users under the age of 16, and explicitly add mobile apps, 'precise geolocation', and biometric data to its remit.

Last Updated: December 23, 2019

Our Commitment

StackAdapt strongly believes that all information deserves protection. This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of our privacy practices for our website ('Website') as well as our privacy practices for our services ('Services'). We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. So we encourage you to review these pages on a regular basis.

How We Collect Personal Information

We collect personal information directly from you when you provide information directly to us automatically through your use of our Website and Services or from third parties who you provided information to, such as providers related to our Services. As used in this Privacy Policy, 'personal information' is information that could be reasonably used to identify you personally.

Information about our data collection during the prior 12 months is further described below.

You can access, delete and control certain uses of your information as set forth in the 'Your Choices' section below.

  1. Information we collect from you directly

    The information we collect from you directly may include:

    • Personal contact information, such as full name, telephone number, e-mail address, mailing address and location which we use to respond to your inquiries, provide you with requested products or services and send you information and marketing related to the services we provide you.
    • Correspondence you send to us, such as information you provide us when you contact us (to inquire about our service, request a demo or make inquiries to our webmaster), provide feedback or make a complaint which we use to reply to your inquiries.
  2. Information we collect from you automatically or from third parties

We use 'pixel tags' and/or 'cookies' to collect information from you when you use our Website or Services or the websites or services of our third party partners. Pixel tags are small bits of code that provide a method of delivery information on a webpage which allows the operator of the page or a third party to collect the IP address of the users of the page. Cookies are small text files that are stored on the browser of a computer that uniquely identify the browser and provide information to the cookie sender. Many websites send cookies to the browsers that are visiting those sites, and many browsers are initially configured to accept cookies. Users can change the browser settings to refuse cookies or to alert them when a cookie has been placed on their browser. The user can check the browser for details in this regard.

At StackAdapt, in accordance with the privacy policies of the websites and advertising networks we work with, we collect personal information including online identifiers and internet activity information such as Internet Protocol ('IP') address, browser information, recent search history, and activity on various websites in order to display effective advertisements. Based on the behaviour and preferences of the users, we seek to group them into certain categories and display the most relevant advertisements to the users in those categories. We strictly follow the privacy policy of the website or other platforms we interact with.

How We Use the Information

StackAdapt uses your personal information that we collect from you directly, automatically or from third parties to:

  • Administer, troubleshoot, enhance and manage our Services.
  • Send processing communications, including updates on your subscription or account.
  • Send promotional communications such as special offers or other promotions (if you have subscribed).
  • Manage your account.
  • Analyze the accuracy and effectiveness of our Website and Services.
  • Analyzing and understanding our customers and their needs.
  • Meet obligations as required by applicable laws, i.e. fraud detection, enforcing our business terms and agreements.
  • Tailor your experience while visiting our website.
  • Responding to inquiries, complaints and other communications to StackAdapt.
  • Display advertisements that we believe may be relevant to the user. In seeking to identify relevant advertisements, we use online identifiers and internet activity information to create and refine user segments, to develop and refine algorithms, and to understand better how users' interaction with a website might be of interest to advertisers.

Please note that all of the information we collect about you may be combined, including to help us tailor our communications to you and to develop rich online content and services across our Website and Services. This privacy policy does not cover the practices of third parties, including those that may disclose information to us. If we combine information we receive from those other sources with personal information we collect through the Website and Services, we will apply this Privacy Policy to any personal information received, unless we have disclosed otherwise.

Data Security, Storage and Retention

We employ all reasonable industry standard measures to protect against the unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of the information we collect and our levels of safeguards correspond to the level of sensitivity of the information. While we are committed to ensuring the security of the information, no protection measure can provide a 100% guarantee of security. Consequently, we do not warrant or guarantee the security of the information.

Your information is stored and / or processed or otherwise used by or on behalf of StackAdapt. We retain your information for as long as necessary or relevant for the listed purposes in this Privacy Policy, or as required by any applicable legal and retention obligations.

Sharing Data

We share personal information with advertisers, partners, vendors, service providers and other trusted third parties in the following ways:

  • We may share information with our service providers in order to deliver our products and Services to you.
  • We may share information with third parties that use our Services on the StackAdapt Platform. We have agreements with such third parties that include clauses that hold our partners to the same high level of privacy protection we apply to the data and to never use the data for any other purpose than what we have committed to.
  • We may share information with our business and promotional partners to send you information, by email, telephone or other means, about products and services you may like. Users may opt-out of receiving communications at any time. See the 'Your Choices' section below.
  • Except as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, we never disclose any personal information that directly identifies you unless we are required by law and we would only do so having verified the lawful authority of the request, such as to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us and to defend against legal claims. We may also voluntarily disclose personal information as allowed by law to prevent fraudulent activities.
  • We may share your personal information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by us about our Website or Service users is among the assets transferred.
Sales of Information

We may sell your personal information to third parties, subject to your right to opt-out of those sales (See the 'Your Choices' and 'Residents of California' sections below).

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have sold the following categories of personal information:

  • Personal identifiers
  • Internet or other similar network activity
  • Inferences drawn from other personal information
  • Location data
Mobile Advertising ID
Cookie 5 7 4 – protect your online privacy act requirements

StackAdapt may use Advertising Identifiers for in-app ad targeting on mobile devices. Mobile operating systems including Apple's iOS and Google's Android provide an option of opting out of targeted in-app ads. To opt out, the user simply navigates to the operating system settings and follows the instructions. We act accordingly.

Third Party Links

Our Website may be linked from another website, or have links to other websites such as social media platforms. This Privacy Policy only relates to our collection and use of your information on our Website and Services. StackAdapt is not responsible for the privacy practices of other third party websites. We encourage you to read all privacy policies of websites you visit.

Your Choices

Cookies: Most browsers are set up to accept cookies; however, the 'help' feature of the menu bar on most browsers will explain how you can stop accepting cookies and how to turn off existing cookies. If you decide not to accept cookies you may not have access to certain features that make your experience of the website more efficient and some of the features on the website may not function properly.

Interest-Based Advertising: We work with third parties who collect information on our Website, Services and elsewhere through the use of cookies and similar methods in order to serve you with relevant advertisements on other services or to determine that you have seen advertisements on other services. This method of advertising is sometimes called 'interest-based advertising.'

To learn more about Interest-Based Advertising and your choices with respect to it, and to opt-out of advertising programs that track your activities across multiple websites to deliver personalized advertising content to you, please visit:

  • For Canada: Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada Opt-Out Page
  • For Canada and U.S.: NAI Opt-Out Page
  • For Canada and U.S.: Ad Choices Opt-Out Page
  • For European Residents: Your Online Choices | EDAA

Scroll to the bottom to opt-out on this website.

Please note that if you opt-out you may still receive online advertising from StackAdapt on other websites or applications; however, these advertisements will not be displayed to you based on your interests. We do not respond to or honor 'do not track' (a/k/a DNT) signals or similar mechanisms transmitted by web browsers.

Access Request: You can make a request directly to the organization using our services, in which case we will assist as necessary. If you make a request to us, we will let you know what personal information StackAdapt has about you, what it is being used for, and with whom it has been shared. If you notice any inaccuracies or wish to update any part of your personal information, we will look into that as well.

StackAdapt will provide you with access to your personal information that is in our possession, subject to certain exceptions, including information that is referenced to another individual's personal information that we cannot sever, or information subject to solicitor-client privilege, or other legal restrictions that may prevent us from fulfilling your access request. See below for contact details.

Residents of the E.U.: Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), residents of the E.U. also have the right to request of erasure of personal data, right to restrict processing, and in certain circumstances the right to data portability. See below for contact details.

Residents of California and Other Specific Jurisdictions: If you reside in California or in a jurisdiction that provides similar rights, under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or applicable law, you have specific rights regarding your personal information. This section describes the rights that you have under CCPA, or other state laws as applicable, and explains how to exercise those rights.

  • Right to Know About Personal Information Collected, Disclosed or Sold. You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection, use, disclosure or sale of your personal information over the past 12 months. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request (see 'Exercising Access, and Deletion Rights'), and subject to certain limitations that we describe below, we will disclose such information to you. You have the right to request any or all of the following:

    • The categories of personal information we collected about you.
    • The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected.
    • Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information.
    • The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information.
    • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you.
  • Right to Request Deletion. You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request (see 'Exercising Access, and Deletion Rights'), we will delete (and direct our service providers to delete) your personal information from our records. However, we may retain personal information that has been de-identified or aggregated. Furthermore, we may deny your deletion request if retaining the information is necessary for us or our service provider(s) in order to perform certain actions set forth under CCPA, such as detecting security incidents and protecting against illegal activity.

  • Exercising Access and Deletion Rights. To exercise the access and deletion rights described above, please submit a request to us by sending an email to

    Only you, or a person or business entity registered with the California Secretary of State that you authorize to act on your behalf (an 'authorized agent'), may make the requests set forth above. If you use an authorized agent to make a request, you must provide the authorized agent written permission to do so, and we may require that you verify your identity directly with us. You may also make a request on behalf of your minor child.

    The request should include your contact information and describe your request with sufficient detail that allows us to properly understand, evaluate, and respond to it. In addition, you should provide sufficient information (including, but not limited to, cookie ID and IP address) that allows us to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we collected the personal information or an authorized representative.

    We will respond to consumer requests in a reasonably timely manner. If we require extra time to respond, we will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing.

    In order to protect the security of your personal information, we will not honor a request if we cannot verify your identity or authority to make the request and confirm the personal information relates to you. The method used to verify your identity will vary depending on the nature of the request. Generally speaking, verification will be performed by matching the identifying information provided by you to the personal information that we already have.

    Any disclosures we provide will only cover the 12-month period preceding our receipt of your request. We are not obligated to provide the information set forth above under 'Right to Know About Personal Information Collected, Disclosed or Sold' more than twice in a 12-month period.

    We do not charge a fee to process or respond to your verifiable consumer request unless it is excessive, repetitive, or manifestly unfounded. If we determine that the request warrants a fee, we will tell you why we made that decision and provide you with a cost estimate before completing your request.

  • Personal Information Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In Rights. You have the right to direct us to not sell your personal information at any time (the 'right to opt-out'). We do not sell the personal information of consumers we actually know are less than 16 years of age, unless we receive affirmative authorization (the 'right to opt-in') from either the consumer who is at least 13 and less than 16 years of age, or the parent or guardian of a consumer less than 13 years of age.

    To exercise the right to opt-out, you (or your authorized representative) may submit a request to us by sending an email to or by clicking Opt-Out link at the bottom of this page.

    If you use an authorized agent to exercise the right to opt-out, you must provide the authorized agent written permission to do so, and we may deny the request if the authorized agent does not submit proof that it has been authorized by you to act on your behalf.

    Non-Discrimination. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your CCPA rights.

Opt-out of receiving marketing emails: In the event you wish to unsubscribe from receiving promotional email communications from StackAdapt you may opt-out by:

  • Removing yourself by clicking 'unsubscribe' at the bottom of an email we send you, or
  • Contact us at:

If you opt-out of receiving marketing-related emails from us, we may still send you important administrative messages relating to our business relationship.

Consent to Transfer

StackAdapt is headquartered in Canada and has partners in other countries. Please be aware that information you provide to us or that we obtain as a result of your use of our Website and Services may be collected in your country and subsequently transferred to Canada, the United States or another country in accordance with applicable law. The privacy and data protection laws in another country may not be equivalent to such laws in your country of residence. By using our Website and Services or providing us with your information, you consent to the collection, international transfer, storage, and processing of your information.

Contact Us

To contact us with questions about this Privacy Policy or to make a request:


StackAdapt Inc.
Attention: Privacy Officer
500 - 210 King St. East
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5A 1J7

Cookie Opt-Out on This Website

This website uses cookies to improve its functions. Press the button below if you wish to opt out of StackAdapt's cookie mechanism for tracking and ad targeting purposes on this website. When you opt out, an opt-out cookie will be stored on your web browser for If you disable, block, or delete this cookie, your opt-out choice will not be known.


This policy was last updated on June 22, 2020

The Arts Institutes International LLC (The Art Institutes, 'we' or 'our') is committed to protecting any personal information that we maintain about you. Consistent with our Privacy Principles, we want you to understand what kinds of information we may collect from you, how this information may be used, the steps we take to protect it, choices you have regarding our use and disclosure of personal information about you, and other information about our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy (this 'Policy') applies to the online collection of information by our websites, webpages and mobile applications that link to or otherwise adopt this Policy.
This privacy policy is divided into sections for the convenience of the reader. If you would like to jump to a particular section, follow the links below:

What types of information are collected through this site or mobile application?

We may collect a range of information from you if you visit our site or mobile application depending upon the features you use.

We may collect personal information, such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers or other identifiers that you may provide in the course of completing a form or transaction on our site or mobile application. Portions of our site may collect additional information from individuals using those features such as accepting resumes from job applicants or collecting application of financial aid information from students and applicants.

Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act 2013

We may collect information about the browser and/or device that you are using to access our website or mobile application (such as the type of browser or device you are using, browser settings, and the device identification number). Device information may or may not be personally identifiable depending upon whether it is linked to the identity of the user.

We may automatically log information, such as a user's IP address, domain name, browser type, date and time of access, and other log file data. This information may be used to analyze trends or administer our websites and mobile applications. We may collect statistical or non-personally-identifiable information about our users, such as which pages are visited, how long a visitor stays on a particular page, the website from which a user came to our site, or similar such information. We also may collect aggregate information such as the total number of unique or return visitors to our site, using our application, or visiting a particular page in a given timeframe. We may use this information to measure the use of our sites and applications and to improve our content. We may use Google Analytics, a third party provider of analytics tools or a similar third party service to analyze information about visits to our website. For information about opting out of Google Analytics please visit:

Does your website use cookies or similar technologies?

Yes, we may utilize 'cookies,' web beacons and other similar technologies on our website. We may use first and/or third party 'browser' or 'HTTP' cookies, which are unique text files that may be used for data analysis, and enable our website to tailor information for the visitor. We may use browser cookies for purposes such as to personalize the user's experience on our site, to remember a user when the user registers for products or services, for fraud prevention, or to track visits to our websites. We also may use 'web beacons' (also referred to as pixel tags, clear gifs or other terms) or similar technologies to collect information such as how long a visitor remains on a particular page. If you do not want us to deploy browser cookies to your device when you visit our websites, you may set the browser to reject cookies or to notify the user when a web site tries to place cookies in the browser program (see below). Rejecting cookies may affect your ability to use some of features offered by the website. If you use our website without setting your browser to block cookies, you consent to the placement of cookies on your device.

Third parties, including our service providers or marketing partners may collect information about a visitor to our site over time and/or across different websites when the visitor uses our website. This information often is aggregate data or individual information that is tied to a browser or device rather than specific identifiers such as the visitor's name and address, but some of this information might be considered to be personally identifiable under some federal or state laws.

What choices do I have about online tracking and the placement of cookies on my device?

Some Internet browsers have begun to offer what often is referred to as 'do not track' mechanisms for browser users to automatically signal privacy preferences to websites that they visit. Internet browsers have only begun to include these features relatively recently and there is not yet a consensus about what steps a website should take when it receives a do-not-track signal from a site visitor's browser or what information collection or use restrictions should be applied when a do-not-track signal is received. As a result, our site(s) do not currently respond to do-not-track-signals. We are continuing to monitor do not track developments and may revisit the issue in the future. In the meantime, you can exercise other choices available to you, including limiting the placement of browser cookies on your device using your browser's cookie control features and other choices described in this Policy.

Internet Explorer
Safari Mobile (iPhones and iPads)
Information and opt-out choices for ads placed by Google are available at:

How is my information used? Time sink 1 2 6.

We may use the information we collect through our site or mobile application for the following purposes:

  • To respond to requests for information or to facilitate transactions or communications that users of our sites or users of our mobile applications request;
  • To process requests and applications for prospective students;
  • To process registration, financial aid, academic and other interactions with our students;
  • To facilitate the educational experiences and career services offered to our students and alumni;
  • To improve and administer our websites and mobile applications;
  • To carry out our educational mission and facilitate the education of our students;
  • To better understand the needs of the users of our sites and mobile applications and create content that is relevant to the user;
  • For marketing and market research purposes;
  • To generate statistics and de-identified data;
  • To personalize content for the user;
  • To notify the user of any changes with our website or mobile application which may affect the user;
  • To enforce the terms of use for our website or mobile application;
  • For historical, statistical or business planning purposes;
  • To prevent fraud and investigate potential misconduct; or
  • To comply with law and legal process.

We do not share, sell or lease personal information about you except as set forth in this Policy.

What types of choices do I have about your collection and use of personal information about me?

You have a number of choices regarding our collection and use of information through our websites and mobile devices:

In cases where you are requested to affirmatively provide information, such as to complete a form, or an application, or a survey on our website, you may decline to do so. Please understand, however, that in some cases certain information is required to complete an application, form or survey, and if you decline to provide the information requested you may not be able to submit the application or request or to use certain functionalities of our websites or mobile applications.

If you would like restrict our placement of cookies on your device, please see the FAQ 'What Choices Do I Have About the Placement of Cookies on My Device?' above.

If you prefer that we no longer contact you by phone about potential educational opportunities at our school, please e-mail us at

If you would prefer not to receive e-mail marketing messages from us, please use the opt-out instructions included in the email message to opt-out of additional communications.

You may be given additional choices in the context of particular preferences tools or functions that we make available through our website or mobile applications.

Can I access and request correction of personal information I provide through the website or mobile application?

Yes. If the information that you provide through our website is included in an educational record then we provide access to that information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), as applicable.

In the case of personal information that is not part of a student's educational records, it is our policy, with certain exceptions, to provide individuals with access to personal information that is maintained in The Art Institutes' files. In some cases, the website may allow you to log-in to directly access and/or correct information you have provided. In other cases, such as web forms that you may submit through the site, if you would like to obtain a copy of the information you provided you can contact us at When you update information, we may keep a copy of the prior version for our records.

Exceptions to access and correction rights may include:

  • Where the burden or expense of providing access would be disproportionate to the risks to the individual's privacy in the case in question;
  • Where the rights of persons other than the individual would be violated; or
  • With respect to individual requests for the correction or deletion of information, in cases where we are otherwise legally required to retain the personal information.

Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act Applies

We require that an individual provide reasonable validation of his or her identity before we provide access to personal information from our files. To request access to or correction of information please send an email to

You may request that we delete information that you post on our websites, online services, and applications that is accessible to other users of the website, service or application such as comments, social media posts, or blog entries, either by using the functionality (if any) provided by the website, service, or application that you used to post the information or by sending an email to specifying the information that you are requesting that we remove and sufficient information about where you posted it so that we can locate it. Please note that a deletion request may not result in complete or comprehensive removal of the content from our website, service, or application to the extent we are permitted or required by law to retain that information. For example, information may not be removed if we need to maintain the information for legal compliance purposes or if you fail to follow the instructions above, such as by failing to provide sufficient information for us to process your request. Similarly, if information that you posted has been stored, republished or reposted by a third party, or you were compensated or consideration for providing the content, that information may not be subject to deletion.

How may personal information collected through this website or mobile application be disclosed?

We may disclose information with your consent or as otherwise necessary or appropriate to process a transaction that you may request.

We may disclose information that we collect through our websites or mobile applications with agents, affiliated businesses, and service providers providing services on our behalf.

We may disclose information, as applicable, to the U.S. Department of Education; state or provincial education agencies, to other regulators, or our accrediting organizations.

In the event that our company or some of our assets are sold or transferred or used as security or to the extent we engage in business negotiations with our business partners, the information collected on our websites or mobile applications, including this site, may be transferred or shared with third parties as part of that transaction or negotiation.

If we receive a request from law enforcement officials or judicial authorities to provide information on individuals, we may provide such information. In matters involving claims of personal or public safety or in litigation where the data is pertinent, we may use or disclose your personal information without a court order.

We may use information you submit to investigate security breaches, misconduct, or otherwise cooperate with authorities pursuant to a legal matter.

Do you take steps to safeguard information I provide through the site or mobile application?

We recognize that you may be concerned about the security of your personal information and we are committed to employing reasonable technology in order to protect the security of our website. Even with such technology, no website is 100% secure. We take reasonable measures that we believe are appropriate to protect your information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. We will ask any agents and service providers to whom we may transfer your information take comparable steps to protect that security.

If you use this site or mobile application, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any user ID and password or other access credentials that you may be provided. You should notify us immediately if any user ID and password or other access credentials we may issue you are compromised.

What is 'Refer-A-Friend'?

We may offer you opportunities to request that we send content from our websites or otherwise reach out to friends or family members that you believe may be interested in learning more about our programs. If you choose to make such a referral, which is voluntary, we may ask you for your name and contact information as well as contact information for the individual or individuals that you refer, such as their name, email address and/or phone number. When we contact your friend, we may identify you as the party that made the referral. This feature is only to be used to refer individuals with whom you have an existing relationship that you think would be interested in being contacted by us by phone or by email.

Does your site contain links to other websites or social media platforms?

Yes, our website may include links to other websites or links that facilitate your ability to post content to social media platforms. This Policy only applies to those of our websites that link to this Policy. Please be aware that sites we link to may collect information about you and operate according to their own privacy practices which may differ from this Policy. Similarly, if you post content to social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, whether you do so manually or using a widget offered on our site, please remember that your social media postings will be made available in accordance with the social media site where you are posting the information and that you may be limited in your ability to control information once you have made it available to third parties by posting it. Remember to consult the privacy policy of any websites you may visit regarding their privacy practices.

If I followed a link to your site from another website, whose privacy policy controls?

The privacy policy posted on the website you were visiting, if any, would apply to any information collection that occurred on that site. Our privacy policy applies to your activity on our site.

If I am using the site from outside the United States will information collected through the site be transferred to the United States?

This site is designed primarily for users from the United States. By using this site, users from other countries consent to the transfer of any personal or other information collected to the United States and housed on servers in the United States and your information will be subject to use and disclosure in accordance with this Policy and applicable United States federal, state, and local law.

Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act Summary

How do you comply with Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ('COPPA')?

COPPA regulates the collection of personal information online from children under the age of 13. This site is not intended or designed to attract users under the age of 13 or to collect personal information from such users. We do not collect personally identifiable data from any person we know to be under the age of 13 and those under 13 should not submit any personal information through this site. If we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under the age of 13 we will remove the information from our files.

How will changes to this Policy be communicated?

If we make any material changes to this privacy policy we will change the 'last updated' date so that you can quickly determine whether there were material changes since the last time you reviewed the policy. Hands off 4 1 0 6.

Who can I contact with questions regarding this Policy?

If you have questions concerning our privacy practices, contact us at:

Cookie 5 7 4 – Protect Your Online Privacy Act Prohibits

Compliance Department – Privacy Practices
The Art Institutes
615 McMichael Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205


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